My learning journal

Hi there!
My name is Cristiano and welcome to my learning journal.

After one month of learning in Scriba's Frontend Developer Career Path, I've decided to embark on a Chingu voyage to learn soft skills, develop my communication skills and meet like-minded peers.

How I stay committed to learning

I always liked to learn things by myself and while learning to play guittar in high school and learning to surfing and standing by myself in the middle of the raging waves, learning to code alone can be even more chalenging and sometimes very frustrating.

While Scrimba courses are fun and very helpful, I felt like it would be also interesting to code together with other students that come different backgrounds and have different skills.

How I got started

Chingu Voyages are 6-week long remote team projects where designed to help students put technical knowledge they've gained into practice as well as improve skills like teamwork, collaboration, and project management.

To embark in a Chingu voyage first we need to complete a solo project. I did HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a trivia. The only thing set were the questions. I wrote the code on VSCode, pushed it to Github using Github desktop and wrote a comprehensive 'Read Me' file.

A laptop on a desktop at sunset That helped me get a bit more familiar with the real workflow, out of friendly Scrimba platform I had to figure out why my 'console.log' would not work and testing got complicated.

I also struggled with an CSS and JS animation. I wanted questions to disappear to the left and arrive from the right. I don't if this is the right way but I just made it disappear to the left, stay hidden and transition all the way to the right and then come back to the center. In the end my fingers were swetting and there was smoke coming out of my keyboard...

Recent posts

A woman playing in the beach as the sun sets

The roll call

We had a week sprint and some of team got demotivated. It was time to remember the importance of staying committed and focused. A roll call was a way of bringing team mates back to the project and insuring we would deliver in time.

Purple fractals


After the weekly team meeting we agreed on using Spikes or Proof of Concept (PoC) to keep writing code to work on a few concepts. We need a simple loop to read and render our base JSON file. After 4 spikes we had a stronger base for start building new features!

Check out this link to learn more about Spikes in Agile methodology.

A react code on laptop

Version control

After writing the first few lines of code it was time to learn more about version control and how to push changes on the code to GitHub, how to clone a repository, how to create a branch and a pull request. Hopefully, I already had some courses on Scrimba about it as I was finishing module 7: Code Review.

A message in a computer

First lines of code

The project's skeleton is coming out. We need to use a CSS grid to render a JSON file used as an exemple of different tasks and acitivities in order to create an app that helps people organize their time.

A lamp representing an idea

New ideas

The kickoff meeting is nailed and now we have some fresh new ideas to work on during the next few days and maybe start coding

A coder's laptop

Fresh Start

I'm excited to start coding. But first we need to set a few documents up. The team has a Product Owner who is going to be in charge of writing the backlog, our bible. The UI/UX designer is going to make a first wireframe but first we need to find a date for the Kickoff meeting and this not going to be so easy.

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